Importance of people’s stories; patience; curiosity. Good overview of issues that have affected the Boston area, including major conflict over school integration in the ‘70’s. Dorchester Tenant Action Group, which became Dorchester Community Action Council (affiliated with National People’s Action). Formed Mass Fair Share; went to Somerville United Neighborhoods. Mass Tenants Organization, Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance. Created Organize Leadership Training Center (OLTC). Switched to congregation-based organizing - Greater Boston Interfaith Organization. Finally back to OLTC; works with PICO.
Finfer, Lewis, Community Organizer Genealogy Project oral history interviews, Ms.2015.016, Brown University Library
Digital object made available by: Brown University Library, John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts, Box A, Brown University, Providence, RI, 02912, U.S.A., (
The Center for Community Change created the Community Organizer Genealogy Project in order "to document the development of community organizing, the development of individual organizers and the connections among organizers, organizations and networks." The project was led by Don Elmer …