Partly printed, filled in manuscript document issued in Havana in 1863. This Chinese Coolie ID document was issued at the "Gobierno Politico de la Habana". Left and right margins contain 9 articles which quote laws and regulations pertaining to "cedulas". The mid section contains personal information of the Chinese Colono. Translated summary of this document reads as follows; Year 1863 - Havana District. This certificate is issued on behlaf of Geronimo, a native of China, of 29 years of age, single, who works as a domestic servant and has entered into a contract for a period of eight years with Mrssrs Morales and Pedroso, and subsequently leased for the same period to Josefa Herrera. Signed: Havana, 4/5/1863.Pedro de Macasenes. There is a seal of the Poltical Government of Havana.
Digital object made available by : Brown University Library, John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts , Box A, Brown University, Providence, RI, 02912, U.S.A., (
Documents including letters, certificates, and inventories relating to the institution of slavery, slaves, and indentured servants in Cuba dating from 1820-1892. Many of the documents refer to Chinese people brought to Cuba as indentured servants or contract laborers (colonos).