Compuesta por el P.Fr. Alonso de Molina, de la Orden del Glorioso, y Seraphico Padre San Francisco.
T.p. in Spanish, text in Nahuatl.
Originally published: Mexico City, 1578.
Alonso de Molina's Doctrina christiana breue traduzida en lengua Mexicana, of 1546, reprinted as Doctrina breue en lengua Mexicana in 1571, may be earlier eds. of this work, but no copies are believed to be extant. See León-Portilla's comments.
Signatures: A B¹²
Title in decorative border of printer's ornaments, date and woodcut vignette with arms of the Order of St. Francis on t.p. in surround of printer's ornaments.
The John Carter Brown Library is an independently administered and funded center for advanced research in history and the humanities, founded in 1846 and located at Brown University since 1901. Housed within the library's walls is an internationally renowned collection …