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Chemical forces


The goal of this lesson is to introduce students to the basic principals of chemical structure and bonding. We aim to answer the following questions: how can atoms come together to form molecules? How do chemical properties explain physical properties? How do we take advantage of these chemical properties?
STEM Area: Chemistry
Activity type: Hands-on, lecture
Grant source: NSF


Gould, Colin, and Mehta, Nihaal, "Chemical forces" (2011). Open Educational Resources (OER) and Research Impacts. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.


Has Parts:

  • Chemical forces lesson
    • Type: Pdf
    • Order: 1
    • View
  • Paper chromatography
    • Type: Pdf
    • Order: 2
    • View


  • Open Educational Resources (OER) and Research Impacts

    This collection was created by Brown University's Engaged Scholarship and Broader Impacts Working Group (ESBI) to provide Brown University researchers with an online platform for preserving and publishing their open access STEM-related digital scholarship, Open Educational Resources (OERs), and Broader …
