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Estado que manifiesta el numero de habitantes en la isla de San Juan de Puerto-Rico, de la clase que en el se expresa, deducio del censo general de su poblacion


Caption title.
According to De la pluma a la imprenta: la cultura impresa en Puerto Rico 1806-1906 / Museo de Historia, Antropología y Arte, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2008, there were two printing presses in Puerto Rico from 1806 on, both of which were located in San Juan.
Dated and signed on p. [2]: Puerto Rico 11 de agosto de 1812. Juan de Salazar.
Summary census of the island for 1812. Table includes a list of the parishes and the population of white inhabitants with the statistics of fathers, mothers, sons and daughters.


"Estado que manifiesta el numero de habitantes en la isla de San Juan de Puerto-Rico, de la clase que en el se expresa, deducio del censo general de su poblacion" (1812). John Carter Brown Library. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.



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