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The enduring presence of Pessoa


Continuing The presence of Pessoa (Monteiro, 1998), which offers accounts of how a number of significant English-language writers have reacted to the work of the Portuguese poet in major ways, this piece calls attention to "A Friend of Dr. Reis," a story by Robert Boyers; poems by Eirin Mouré (Sheep's Vigil by a Fervent Person), David Shapiro ("At the Grave of Ferdinand Pessoa or the Triple Tomb"), and April Bernard ("Lisbon: 1989"); Bob Holman's unique way of using Pessoa's poetry in teaching ("Notes toward exploding 'Exploding text: poetry performance'"); and James Dickey's initial enthusiasm over his discovery of Pessoa's creation and employment of various personae, but later sour grapes denigration of Pessoa's poetry.
Dando continuidade ao livro The Presence of Pessoa (MONTEIRO, 1998), que relata como um número significativo de escritores anglófonos reagiu ao trabalho do poeta português, este artigo chama à atenção o conto "A Friend of Dr. Reis", de Robert Boyers; os poemas de Eirin Mouré (Sheep's Vigil by a Fervent Person), David Shapiro ("At the Grave of Ferdinand Pessoa or the Triple Tomb") e April Bernard ("Lisbon: 1989"); a maneira singular em que Bob Holman emprega a poesia de Pessoa no ensino ("Notes Toward Exploding 'Exploding Text: Poetry Performance'"); e James Dickey, com seu entusiasmo inicial, ao encontrar a criaçāo de múltiplas personae por Pessoa, e a sua atitude posterior de descrédito amargo da poesia pessoana


Monteiro, George, "The enduring presence of Pessoa" (2016). Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.



  • Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies

    Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies (ISSN: 2212-4179) is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to studies of Fernando Pessoa. It is published jointly by the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at Brown University, the Department of …
