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Author manuscript: "Intra- and inter-individual differences in human sperm DNA methylation"


This is a post-print of the article allowed by the publisher to be deposited in the Brown Digital Repository. There is growing evidence that sperm DNA methylation is important in maintaining proper sperm health and function. Previous studies have associated sperm DNA methylation levels with sperm quality and function, however, little is known regarding the intra- and inter-individual variability in sperm methylation levels. This study characterizes this variation.
This work received funding from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences grant P42ES013660


Dere, Edward, Huse , Susan, Hwang, Kathleen, et al., "Author manuscript: 'Intra- and inter-individual differences in human sperm DNA methylation'" (2016). Brown Superfund Project 1: Molecular Biomarkers for Assessing Testicular Toxicity Digital Archive, Brown Superfund Presentations & Publications. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.

