In 2016, consumers in the United States lost almost $9 billion due to payment card fraud. Despite continued news of payment card breaches impacting millions of people, it has yet to reach a tipping point in the United States where dissatisfaction with current payment technology compels users to adopt something new. If data theft does not compel consumers to change shopping habits, what might? Perhaps it would take increased payment method functionality or convenience. In the next five years, will the answer to ‘What’s in your wallet?’ be ‘Not a credit card.’? If so, what payment method will be used instead?
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Black, Winifred,
"Goodbye Plastic, Hello Bluetooth?: The Evolution of a Card-less Payment Industry"
Master of Science in Cybersecurity.
Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.
Brown's Master of Science (ScM) in Cybersecurity is a program for professionals designed to cultivate high-demand, industry executives with the unique and critical ability to devise and execute integrated, comprehensive cybersecurity strategies. Students gain immediately applicable knowledge and, through an …