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The poetic drama of Fernando Pessoa and W.B. Yeats and the Symbolist Theatre Tradition


This essay explores the impact and influence of the Symbolist theatre and, in particular, of the dramas of Maeterlinck and Villiers de L’Isle-Adam, on Fernando Pessoa and W.B. Yeats. It examines the way in which the principles underlying the theatre produced by those playwrights and that movement met with the aesthetic aspirations and philosophical inclinations of the two poets, which led them to engage with those principles and their enacting dramatic devices in their poetic drama. It also analyses points of contact between their works and works by those playwrights, their critique of their practices and efforts to surpass what they perceive as being their limitations and to make original contributions to the development of that strain of Symbolist theatre in the twentieth century.
Este ensaio explora o impacto e a influência do teatro simbolista e, em particular, dos dramas de Maeterlinck e de Villiers de L’Isle-Adam, sobre Fernando Pessoa e W.B. Yeats. Examina a forma como os princípios subjacentes ao teatro produzido por aqueles dramaturgos e aquele movimento foram ao encontro das aspirações estéticas e as preocupações e inclinações filosóficas de ambos os poetas, o que os levou a dialogarem com esses princípios e as suas estratégias de encenação nos seus dramas poéticos. Analisa, igualmente, pontos de contacto entre as suas obras e com as obras daqueles dramaturgos, a sua crítica das práticas que aqueles desenvolveram e esforço para ultrapassar o que percebem ser limitações e para oferecer contribuições originais para o desenvolvimento dessa linha de teatro simbolista no século XX.


Silva, Patrícia, "The poetic drama of Fernando Pessoa and W.B. Yeats and the Symbolist Theatre Tradition" (2018). Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.



  • Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies

    Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies (ISSN: 2212-4179) is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to studies of Fernando Pessoa. It is published jointly by the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at Brown University, the Department of …
