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'The Zenith of our National History!' National Identity, Colonial Empire, and the Promotion of the Portuguese Discoveries: Portugal 1930s


With the onset of Salazarism in the 1930s, the cult of the Portuguese Discoveries—itself a product of late nineteenth-century Portuguese nationalism—again became a fulcrum of nationalist attention, progressively occupying the very core of Portugal’s national identity. This (re-)mobilization of the Discoveries and their incorporation into the national profile remained tied to regime legitimacy and consolidation, as well as to concerns over Portugal and its colonial heritage. Drawing on representative writings of the imperial discourse (of the 1930s), this article examines some aspects of the ideological articulation of the Discoveries with Portugal’s national identity and the defense of Portuguese colonialism.
Com o início do salazarismo em 1930, o culto dos Descobrimentos portugueses (consequência do nacionalismo português do século XIX) voltou a transformar-se numa das bases do interesse nacionalista, ocupando progressivamente o centro da identidade nacional. Esta recuperação dos Descobrimentos para o panorama nacional manteve-se ligada à legitimidade e consolidação do regime, bem como às aspirações do país e ao seu legado colonial. Baseando-se em textos representativos do discurso imperialista (1930), este artigo analisa alguns aspectos da articulação ideológica dos Descobrimentos face à identidade portuguesa e à defesa do colonialismo.


Polanah, Paulo S., "'The Zenith of our National History!' National Identity, Colonial Empire, and the Promotion of the Portuguese Discoveries: Portugal 1930s" (2011). e-Journal of Portuguese History. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.



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