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The Brown Daily Herald 80 (1911-01-20)

Table of Contents

  • Untitled:
  • INTERCLASS SCHEDULE,: Managers Arrange,, Series of Five Basketball Games for Month of February.:
  • Large Wrestling Class at Work Under Prof. Herrick.:
  • Catalogue to Appear Soon.:
  • Second Biblical Lecture.:
  • “OBERAMMERGAU.â€: Mr. Peck Describes Passion Play in Stereopticon Lecture in Union.:
  • Basketball Practice.:
  • “ART OF’LISTENING.â€: President Faunce Speaks in Chapel of the Value of Careful Attention to Others.:
  • Prof. Randall to Speak at First Junior Smoker.:
  • -.TRIALS, ,: Debating Squad Cut to Twelve Men.—Make-up of Tentative Teams.:
  • Freshmen May Have Class Hockey Team.:
  • German Club Not to Reorganize This Year.:
  • .-I Remarkable Record.:
  • The Cercle Francais.:
  • In Ode to Victory.:
  • B. U. A. A. ELECTIONS.:
  • ENGLISH 1.:
  • N. E. Oratorical Contest.:
  • Repko Junior Basketball Captain,:
  • Class Teams Preparing for Saturday’s Meet.:
  • Candidates for Assistant Managerships.:
  • Brown Teachers to Speak at Conference.:
  • Sisson. Chairman of Class Day Committee.:


"The Brown Daily Herald 80 (1911-01-20) " (1911). Brown Daily Herald. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.


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  • The Brown Daily Herald 80 (1911-01-20)
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  • The Brown Daily Herald 80 (1911-01-20)
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  • The Brown Daily Herald 80 (1911-01-20)
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  • Brown Daily Herald

    For more than 125 years, the Brown Daily Herald has captured life at Brown University: political protest, athletic wins and losses, curricular changes and students' initiative.