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The Portuguese and Cod Fishing in the Northwest Atlantic: A Legendary Heritage


Since the sixteenth century, dried salted cod had become an essential good in Portugal: a staple food of high importance for a diet with medieval roots that was poor in animal protein and for a territory where fresh fish had hardly ever arrived. A simple exercise of geo-economics allows us to identify the main countries and regions of the world that have historically depended on Atlantic cod fishing and to understand Portugal’s place in these global subsets. The legendary “white fleet” and the fishermen’s saga aboard the small dories have been the central topics of the national and international imaginary built around Portuguese cod fishing in the Northwest Atlantic. This mythical imagery includes some epic aspects that Estado Novo propaganda spread across borders.
Desde o século XVI, o bacalhau salgado seco tornou-se um bem essencial em Portugal: um alimento básico de elevada importância para uma dieta de raízes medievais e pobre em proteína animal e para um território onde o peixe fresco quase nunca chegava. Um simples exercício de geoeconomia permite-nos identificar os principais países e regiões do mundo que historicamente dependeram da pesca do bacalhau no Atlântico e compreender o lugar de Portugal nestes subconjuntos globais. A lendária “frota branca” e a saga dos pescadores a bordo dos pequenos dóris têm sido os temas centrais do imaginário nacional e internacional construído em torno da pesca portuguesa do bacalhau no Atlântico. Este imaginário mítico inclui alguns aspetos épicos que a propaganda do Estado Novo espalhou no mundo.


Garrido, Álvaro, "The Portuguese and Cod Fishing in the Northwest Atlantic: A Legendary Heritage" (2024). Gávea-Brown: A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-North American Letters and Studies. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.

