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Neural correlates of early- and late-stage learning in the hippocampus and postrhinal cortex


The rodent postrhinal cortex (POR), analogous to the primate parahippocampal cortex, has an important role within the medial temporal lobe memory network for spatial, episodic, and associative memory, but the precise function of this region remains unclear. Although there have been many papers anatomically and functionally comparing or dissociating the POR from other important areas within the medial temporal lobe that are involved in learning, memory, and memory-guided behavior, there are no in-depth reviews, particularly covering the last two decades of research. In the first chapter, we provide a detailed review of the anatomical and functional connectivity as well as the proposed behavioral functions of this region in rodents. In the second chapter, we aimed to dissociate the contributions of the POR and the hippocampus (HC) to the association of an event with a particular context. Briefly, we found that both HC and POR have specific yet different responses to the different task related epochs, and importantly, that HC and POR have specifically different time frames in which object-location conjunctions emerge during the learning of a task. In the third chapter, we describe a newly discovered phenomenon in the rodent brain that we have termed “flutters” that exhibit characteristics similar to alpha oscillations as they have recently been described in the human brain, suggesting the need to update the defined oscillatory bands in the rodent to contain an alpha band.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Brown University, 2021


Estela-Pro, Valerie, "Neural correlates of early- and late-stage learning in the hippocampus and postrhinal cortex" (2021). Neuroscience Theses and Dissertations. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.

