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Breaking Free from Ethnicity and Dissolving within the Mainstream


Another City Upon a Hill: A New England Memoir (2013), by Joseph A. Conforti, tells the story of a once prosperous and dynamic city – Fall River, Massachusetts – during the decades of intensive textile manufacturing to its demise. Within this piecemeal industrial account of “Spindle City,” as it was then known as, lies a riveting coming of age story of a young man and his immediate Azorean/Portuguese (on his mother’s side) and Italian (on his father’s side) families. A product of a hybrid, that is, biological and cultural milieux, Conforti tells his readers how he had to negotiate these two identities while squeezing more and more into the mainstream – represented by the sports he engaged in and his scholarly pursuits in higher education. At the time, ethnic heritage and the racial stereotypes associated with both Latin heritages mattered there.
Another City Upon a Hill: A New England Memoir (2013), de Joseph A. Conforti, conta a história de uma cidade outrora próspera e dinâmica — Fall River, Massachusetts —, durante as décadas de intensa atividade têxtil até seu fim. Dentro deste relato industrial fragmentado de “Spindle City”, como era então conhecida, encontra-se uma fascinante história de amadurecimento de um jovem e suas famílias açorianas/portuguesas (por parte de sua mãe) e italianas (por parte de seu pai). Produto de um meio híbrido, ou seja, biológico e cultural, Conforti conta aos seus leitores como teve que negociar essas duas identidades enquanto se acomodava cada vez mais no mainstream — representado pelos desportos que praticava e as suas atividades académicas no ensino superior. Nessa altura, a herança étnica e os estereótipos raciais associados a ambas as identidades latinas eram relevantes.


Silva, Reinaldo Francisco, "Breaking Free from Ethnicity and Dissolving within the Mainstream" (2022). Gávea-Brown: A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-North American Letters and Studies. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.

