How may ethnomusicologists partner as consultants to musicians and community scholars in Native and other ethnic communities who seek their advice in helping conserve and …
ABDALA JUNIOR, Benjamin (2002). Fronteiras múltiplas, identidade plurais: um ensaio sobre mestiçagem e hibridismo cultural. São Paulo: Editora SENAC, 179 p. ISBN: 9788573592740.
This is a chapter from Family History in the Middle East: Household, Property, and Gender by Beshara Doumani (State University of New York Press) 2003 …
Top row, left to right: Daniel Smith, Marida Hollos, Shepard Krech III, Matthew Gutmann, Patricia Symonds. Middle row, left to right: Douglas Anderson, William Beeman, …
My presentation is focused on ethnomusicologists’ abilities as musical and cultural conflict mediators in war-torn Yugoslavia in the 1990s. From a distance in time and …