This zip file contains an executable code for the generation of the data to accompany the paper: "The building game: from enumerative combinatorics to conformational …
Supplementary files for "Biodissolution and Cellular Response to MoO3 Nanoribbons and a New Framework for Early Hazard Screening for 2D Materials" (DOI: 10.1039/C8EN00362A).
S1 STROBE checklist|S1 Fig. Sample description using standardized differences before and after applying IPTW.|S1 Protocol. Study protocol.|S1 Table. Differences in mortality rates between FFS and …
Datasets used in the experiments of the paper "Efficient Verifiable Range and Closest Point Queries in Zero-Knowledge" by Esha Ghosh, Olga Ohrimenko, and Roberto Tamassia, …
Table S2. Finite rotations used in this study. Each table contains the latitude, longitude, and angle of the total finite rotation pole for each magnetic …
Table S3. Ridge endpoints used in this study. Each table contains the geographic coordinates for the two ridge endpoints and their one-sigma uncertainty. The ridge …
Table S4. Spreading rate from 0-18.7 Ma in increments of 0.1 Myr. The 95% confidence interval is also provided. Results are tabulated separately for each …
Table S5. Ridge length from 0-18.7 Ma in increments of 0.1 Myr. The 95% confidence interval is also provided. Results are tabulated separately for each …
Table S6. Crust production rate from 0-18.7 Ma in increments of 0.1 Myr. The 95% confidence interval is also provided. Results are tabulated separately for …