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., Thoreau, V., Kitzis, A. & Becq, F. A novel voltage-dependent chloride current activated by extracellular acidic pH in cultured rat Sertoli cells. J Biol Chem 278, 19230–19236 (2003). 19.

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As Thoreau famously puts it, “the awakening hour” calls upon “our own newly-acquired force and aspirations from within, accompanied by the undulations of celestial music, instead of factory bells, and a fragrance fills the air—to a higher life than we fell asleep from; and thus the darkness bears its fruit, and prove itself to be good, no less than the light” (Walden 393).

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The primacy of the nation begins to fall away when, for example, in her book Through Other Continents, Dimock can track the movement of the Bhagavad Gita through its influence upon Henry David Thoreau, as well as its return to India through Thoreau’s influence upon Mohandas Ghandi.

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He finds protagonists such as Rath nauseatingly pharisaic in the “spurious choice” they make between the “good” of morality and the “evil” of material success, and finds the plotline of their “precipitous flight from the bitch goddess of success” in city life to the pastoral settings of the country “where, presumably, [they] find real meaning in life” especially condescending and grating.84 The primary reason that Whyte finds novels such as Wilson’s “hypocritical” in their rejection of material success, and subsequent embrace of a more spiritual existence, is because the heroes of these works—in his case Tom Rath—do not actually retire to the country to live a life of Thoreau-like deprivation and poverty.

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Our old writers established as a common ground between them- [ 109] [pgbrk] Our Critics selves and their readers either the non-human world of external nature (Thoreau), the world of the will (Emerson), the world of memory and association (Longfellow), the emotion of special causes like abolition or the Civil War (Whittier, Lowell) or of special occasions (Holmes), but never the congruous world of human life in general.

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He answered very deliberately: “Something of that sort might be said in discussing Thoreau: it could not be urged in John’s case: John has never wanted for companions: the world is always wide open to him : he likes people.”

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Thoreau. 204 Sun Worship and Later Be122 Spiritualism. Conan Doyle and 70 Lamb's Essays. liefs. Tichenor. McCabe. 135 Socialism for Millionaires. 184 Primitive Beliefs . 171 Has Life Meaning? G. B. Shaw. 206 Capitalism vs.

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To-day these schools are advertising for to-morrow. 44 THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF A CAMP DIRECTOR FOR BOYS AND GIRLS By Dan Beard The back-to-the-open movement which is sweeping this country is largely due to the seeds planted by such men as Thoreau, Captain Mayne Reid, Adirondack Murray, and dear old "Nessmuk."

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Le Quattro Volte’s non-anthropocentric approach also appears to draw much from what Scott MacDonald calls “ecocinema,” a tradition of experimental films and videos that strives to redirect attention to the physical environment.148 Describing the creators of ecocinema as the modern day heirs to Thoreau, MacDonald sees these films and videos as offering an alternative to “conventional media spectatorship” via a “retraining of perception” (109).

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Thoreau, Franz Kafka, Rainer Maria Rilke, Charles Baudelaire, entre otros. Aves, insectos, monos, panteras y gatos configuran un universo literario que hace de los animales y su relación con lo humano una interrogación.

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Writing Revolution: Aesthetics and Politics in Hawthorne, Whitman and Thoreau. Athens: U of Georgia P, 2003. Belnap, Jeffrey and Raúl Fernández, eds. José Martí's "Our America": From National to Hemispheric Cultural Studies.

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Its highest product was a puerile confusion of European ideas, as in Emerson and Thoreau. It produced no art that is alive today—only poor school-boys, abominably forced to the business by idiot pedagogues, read its masterpieces.

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Even Thoreau abandoned Walden Pond after a couple of years. In an attempt to resolve the problem of “emanation,” Plotinus counters with the opposing process of “epistrophe,” or the return to the source.

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Much of the narrative of American environmental thought is devoted to the ideas of Romanticists like Henry David Thoreau, outdoorsmen and conservationists like Theodore Roosevelt, or environmentalists like Rachel Carson.

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At the time, I was giving my first lecture course in the American Renaissance—concentrated exclusively on Hawthorne, Melville, Poe, Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman—and although Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written in exactly the same period, and although it is probably the most influential book ever written by an American, I would never have dreamed of including it on my reading list. (122) For Wexler, both Tompkins and Douglas exhibit a similar readerly response to Stowe’s novel, or more particularly, an identical way of describing what reading entails and the effects it has.

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Gautier. 179 Constitution of League of Nations. 180 Epigrams of Bernard Shaw. 181 Epigrams of Thoreau. 182 Steps Toward Socialism. 183 Realism in Art and Literature. Clarence Darrow. 184 Primitive Beliefs.

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Thoreau had a fondness for paradox, and yet he came close to the confines of platitude when he defined beauty as " a finer utility whose end we do not see." Mark Twain, on the other hand, escaped from the platitude into the paradox when he defined the classics as "the books that everybody praises and nobody reads. " Yet here is a half-truth so briskly stated as to cause a sharp reaction.

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Jonas enthused—or convinced its owner that it did—over Confucius and further reveled in the belief that it delved in occult knowledge ; it also led him to place the volumes of the early Fathers on his book-shelves and the literature of the Saints and of Kant and Comte and Swedenborg; it conducted its owner to the feet of Emerson and Thoreau; it made him talk Darwinism.

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The article on Thoreau is good reading. Let me hear from you again. I am, with my heartiest salute to Mrs. Robert Louis, your faithful GEORGE MEREDITH. Both dogs, Islai and Jacobi, in sound condition.

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“ THE PARADOX OF THOREAU,” by Odell Shepard ; a v of an old writer

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If, as Thoreau says, a man does not keep pace with his compan ions it is because he hears a different drum mer: In my happy life days without breakfasts as days without books have been negligible. Thousands of both have been mine; but, as I have indicated, here and there a breakfast is rubricated, starred, stands out in shining individuality because some character in some book at that moment provoked the deep laughter that Homer named inextinguishable.

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The pilgrimage upon which I set out later in the day had been made by thousands, but at a pace suggested by the etymological derivation which Thoreau in an essay on walking has given to the word "saunterer"—one who goes "a la Sainte Terre," a " sainte-terrer," a " saunterer."

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In another essay, on "Books Which Have Influenced Me," he names The Bible, Hamlet, As You Like It, King Lear, Le Vicomte de Bragelonne, The Pilgrim's Progress, Leaves of Grass, Herbert Spencer's books, Lewes's Life of Goethe, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, the poems of Wordsworth, George Meredith's The Egoist, the essays of Thoreau and Hazlitt, Mitford's Tales of Old Japan,—a strange catalogue, but not incoherent if you remember that he is speaking now more of their effect upon his way of thinking than of their guidance in his manner of writing,—though in this also I reckon he learned something from them, especially from the English Bible.

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How can we hope, after all, to see a tree or rock or clear north sky if we do not adopt a little of its mode of life, a little of its time.”109 This reflection likely reveals something of Adams’s working process: it sounds slow and contemplative (recall Thoreau in Walden: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately...and see if I could not learn what it had to teach…”).110 Perhaps Adams alluded to the frustrations of some of his own audience when he continued, still speaking about survey photography: 108 Adams, “Introduction,” The American Space, 1-2. 109 Ibid 2 110 Adams first practiced silence and stillness in nature as a child with his father: “Down in the big swamp, down the hill from our house in New Jersey, one of the first lessons I had was if you sit still long enough, you will begin to see remarkable things.

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Thompson talked of books—Thoreau, Balzac, Taine—anything and everything but love. And each night the girl stood half hidden in the shadow and asked him to return. His visits ended one night when he 133 [pgbrk] 134 THE SMART SET told her abruptly that he was going away—going back to the city.

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"There have been heroes" says Thoreau, "for whom this world seemed expressly prepared" and beside whose "pure primeval natures" "the distinctions of morality, of right and wrong, sense and nonsense, are petty and have lost their significance."

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Thoreau, Martin Luther by Frank B. Sanborn ; Walt Whitman, by Bliss Perry ; By PRESERVED SMITH John Greenleaf Whittier, by George R. Carpenter. " This pen picture . . , must long be regarded as the authoritative word."

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Diogenes throwing away his cup after he had seen a child drink from its hands, Thoreau refusing the offer of a doormat because he felt that it was "best to avoid the beginnings of evil," these I feel kinship with and understand.

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LORD DUNSANY—MYTH-MAKER By Odell Shepard Author of "The Paradox of Thoreau," etc. OR all practical American purposes, Irishmen may be divided into three sorts: policemen, politicians, and poets. One reason, appar ently, why the present population of the island assays so large a proportion of poets is that the policemen and politicians mostly emigrate to Amer ica, while the poets remain at home.

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Thoreau lived on the top floor of his one-story hut at Walden Pond. Immortal books must be written where the air is not heavy with passion. The room where Herbert Tree lived—his "dome " as it was always called—was really the space under the dome of His Majesty's Theatre, where rats and fire-escapes would normally have been kept, but which he made into an agreeable place for work.

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His set of Thoreau is lodged beside Lord SHELVING SYSTEMS Chesterfield. His copy of Sterne's " Sentimental Journey " is wedged between two volumes of John Wesley's "Journal! " I need not harrow the reader's sympathies with further gruesome details.

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Curtis 67 Quo Vodls 68 Representative Hen 69 Robinson Crusoe 70 Rob Roy 71 Romola 72 8eariet Letter 73 Sbeteh Book 74 Soldiers Three and Plain Tales from the Hills Sienkiewicz Emerson Defoe Scott Eliot Hawthorne Irving Kipling Prentiss Dickens Lamb 75 Stepping Heavenward 76 Tale of Tivo (Hies 77 Tales from Shakespeare 78 Tennyson's Poems 79 Thelma Marie CorelH 80 Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes 81 Tom Brown's School Days Hughes 82 Twice Told Tales Huwthorne 83 Uncle Tom's Cabin Stowe 84 Under Two Flags Ouida 85 Yanlty Fair Thackeray 86 Vicar or Wakefield Goldsmith 87 Washington and His Generals Headley 88 Waveriey Scott 89 Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers " Thoreau 90 Whlttler's Poetical .Works A.

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Thoreau truly says that a man "can attend but one funeral in his life "; and, in the same sense, I say that a man can see but one city. Chicago is my one. Perhaps, if you should go there looking for it, you could no more find my Chicago than I can find Zretazoola, the city of Sombelene—"Zretazoola of the climbing ways"—or that other city of Thalanna on the edge of the desert, at whose gates Aoob and Bel-Narb sit and argue as to whether cities are lovelier at dusk or at daybreak.

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. , ' animation, carnage free, ' Pudd nhead Wilson. rwain is a greater stylist than Stevenson or • a set of mark TWAIN 's Thoreau, and his ' Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg'is one of the finest / WORKS, Author's Naworks in English literature."

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11,. i,,,, Marie Corelli 80 Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes 81 Tom Brown's School Days Hughes 82 Twice-Told Tales Hawthorne 83 Uncle loin's Cabin Stowe 84 Under Two Flags Ouida 85 Vanity Fair Thackeray 80 Vicar of Wakefield Goldsmith 87 Washington and His Generals Headley 88 Waverley Scott 80 Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers Thoreau 00 Whlttier's Poetical Works A.

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. , J J r animation, carriage free, ' Pudd nhead Wilson. 1 wain is a greater stylist than Stevenson or St of MARK TWAIN'S a se Thoreau, and his 'Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg' is one of the finest / WORKS, Author's Naworks in English literature."

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Wm, Curtis 67 Quo Vadls Sienkiewicz 68 Representative Men Emerson 69 Robinson Crusoe Defoe 70 Rob Roy Scott 71 Romola Eliot 72 Scarlet Letter Hawthorne 73 Sketch Book Irving 74 Soldiers Three and Plain Tales from the Hills Kipling 75 Stepping Heavenward Prentiss 70 Tale or Two Cities Dickens 77 Tales from Shakespeare Lamb 78 Tennyson's Poems 70 Thehna Marie Corelli 80 Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes 81 Tom Brown's School Days Hughes 82 Twlee Told Tales Hawthorne 83 Uncle Tom's Cabin Stowe 84 Under Two Flags Ouida 85 Vanity Fair Thackeray 86 Vicar or Wakefield Goldsmith 87 Washington and His Generals Headley 88 Waverley Scott 89 Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers Thoreau 00 Whittled Poetical Works A.

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Curtis 67 Quo Vadls Sfenkiewicz 68 Bcpresentatlve Men Emerson 69 Bohinson Crusoe Defoe 70 Bob Boy Scott 71 Bomola Eliot 72 Searlet Letter Hawthorne 73 Sketch Book Irving 74 So'diers Three and Plain Tales from the Hills Kipling 75 Stepping Heavenward Prentiss 70 Tale of Two Cities Dickens 77 Tales from Shakespeare Lamb 78 Tennyson’s Poems 79 Thelma Marie Corelli 80 Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes 81 Tom Brown’s School Days Hughes 82 Twice-Told Tales Hawthorne 83 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Stowe 84 Under Two Flags Ouida 85 Vanity Fair Thackeray 80 Vicar of Wakefield Goldsmith 87 Washington and His Generals Headley 88 Waverley Scott 89 Week on the Concord and Merrimac Bivers Thoreau 90 Whittier’s Poetical Works A.

Items (201-242) out of 242 results