Hand-colored lithograph printed by Lemercier; battle scene on plain, mounted officers and cavalry in foreground, captured general being brought in at right.
Steel engraving (after painting by Dubufe); group portrait of 15 diplomats and military leaders including Napoleon III, Mehmed Emin Aali Pasha, and Camillo Benso di …
Colored lithograph by Morin & Charpentier from 'Gazette of Fashion', printer by Lemercier; 2 standing uniform figures, indoors, showing front and rear of uniform.
One of a collection of 3 color lithograph panoramas of battle scenes. Sébastopol; lithograph by V. Adam, Eugene Cicéri and Ph. Benoit after Sorrieul, printed …
Lithograph by and after Wachsmut, printed by Lemercier, numbered 2; officer seated under canopy in foreground, attended by natives, soldiers and huts etc. in background.
One of a pair of color lithograph plates after Hermant, printed by Lemercier, one numbered 2; large groups showing domestic liveries, coachman's, grooms' and footmen's …
Color lithograph print by Lemercier; sultan, mounted, in center flanked by aides and surrounded by numerous European commanders including Lord Raglan, the Duke of Cambridge, …
Color lithograph by Bayot after Giraud, printed by Lemercier from 'Voyages en Scandinavie, en Laponie etc'; mounted and standing uniform figures, outdoors.