Picture of the dining room at Schenk's Hotel in South Fallsburg, NY. Caption on the back reads: Dining elegance in air-conditioned comfort - dietary laws.
Picture of the Playhouse of Stars at Schenk's Hotel in South Fallsburg, NY. Caption on the back reads: Fabulous Playhouse of Stars, intimate Rendevous Room, …
Picture of the lobby at Schenk's Hotel in South Fallsburg, NY. Caption on the back reads: Extravagantly modern, startlingly beautiful, air-conditioned lobbies.
Picture of the Continental Room stage and dance floor at Schenk's Paramount Hotel in South Fallsburg, NY. Caption on the back reads: The Continental Room …
Picture of the New Yorker building at Schenk's Paramount Hotel in South Fallsburg, NY. Caption on the back reads: The New Yorker, luxurious, air-conditioned rooms, …