Original pencil drawing mounted on card by Lt. Karl Robert Rittmann; soldier sleeping with rifle resting on his hip. Reproduced in the 'Providence Sunday Journal', …
Original watercolor drawing on paper by Karl Rittmann; logo representing African American soldier holding up bomber in his right hand, a rifle in his left …
Original pencil and watercolor drawing on paper by Karl Rittmann; mechanic standing by airplane, another plane in right background. Reproduced in the 'Providence Journal', Thursday, …
Original pencil drawing on paper by Karl Rittmann; figure of soldier lying prone guarding the battalion perimeter with a .30-cal. machine gun. Reproduced in the …
Original pencil drawing on paper by Karl Rittmann; figure of soldier standing behind surveying equipment. Reproduced in the 'Providence Sunday Journal', January 7, 1945, page …
Original pencil drawing on paper by Karl Rittmann; figure of soldier holding saw. Reproduced in the 'Providence Sunday Journal', January 7, 1945, page 6.