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Author manuscript: "Evaluating the mechanistic evidence and key data gaps in assessing the potential carcinogenicity of carbon nanotubes and nanofibers in humans"


This is a post-print manuscript of the article allowed by the publisher to be deposited in the Brown Digital Repository. The focus of this review is on the cancer risk to workers exposed to airborne CNT or CNF during the production and use of these materials. The findings of this review, in general, affirm those of the original evaluation on the inadequate or limited evidence of carcinogenicity for most types of CNTs and CNFs at this time, and possible carcinogenicity of one type of CNT (MWCNT-7). The key evidence gaps to be filled by research include: investigation of possible associations between in vitro and early-stage in vivo events that may be predictive of lung cancer or mesothelioma, and systematic analysis of dose-response relationships across materials, including evaluation of the influence of physico-chemical properties and experimental factors on the observation of nonmalignant and malignant endpoints.


D. Kuempel, Eileen, Jaurand, Marie-Claude, Møller, Peter, et al., "Author manuscript: 'Evaluating the mechanistic evidence and key data gaps in assessing the potential carcinogenicity of carbon nanotubes and nanofibers in humans'" (2017). Brown Superfund Presentations & Publications, Brown Superfund Project 2: Adverse Human Health Impacts of Nanomaterials Digital Archive. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.

