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Narratives by and about women in the third world


This study analyzes texts from Brazil, Chile, the Caribbean, Nigeria, India, and China, as well as how artists represent women in these societies. The article also addresses these texts based on philosophical issues concerning love and freedom. How are characters fulfilled when it comes to love and freedom? And, ultimately, what do these texts reflect about women's condition in the third world? We will see that the text written by Brazilian author Jorge Amado is the most optimistic about women's fulfillment. On the other hand, Clarice Lispector outlines a much more complex layout about relationships of power, possession, dependency, pretense, and security as opposed to freedom, lucidity of madness and love. In other texts, we see both impediments to women's fulfillment and the supreme value of freedom of any human being. In conclusion, personal fulfillment results from creative work.
Este estudo analisa textos do Brasil, do Chile, do Caribe, da Nigéria, da Índia, e da China, assim como a maneira em que os artistas representam as mulheres nessas sociedades. O artigo também aborda estes textos a partir de problemáticas filosóficas sobre o amor e a liberdade. Como se satisfazem as personagens no plano do amor e a liberdade? E, finalmente, qual a reflexão que esses textos propõem sobre a condição da mulher no terceiro mundo? O texto do autor brasileiro Jorge Amado é o mais optimista quanto à satisfação feminina. Por outro lado, Clarice Lispector traça um esboço muito mais complexo sobre relações de poder, posse, dependência, pretensões e segurança, em oposição à liberdade, à lucidez da loucura e ao amor. Em outros textos, vemos ambos os impedimentos da satisfação feminina e o valor supremo da liberdade de qualquer ser humano. Para concluir, a satisfação pessoal resulta do trabalho criativo.


Nunes, Maria Luísa, "Narratives by and about women in the third world" (1989). BRASIL/BRAZIL: A Journal of Brazilian Literature. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.



  • BRASIL/BRAZIL: A Journal of Brazilian Literature

    BRASIL/BRAZIL: A Journal of Brazilian Literature (ISSN: 2526-4885), founded in 1988, publishes scholarly articles on Brazilian literature and in Comparative Literature with a focus on Brazilian literature, as well as book reviews, interviews with writers, English-language translations of Brazilian literature …
