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Disquiet according to João


When writers talk about themselves, they are talking about how books are born, because books are not born of trees or plants, but of them, of writers. In this interview with João Gilberto Noll, held on June 5, 2008, I tried to concentrate as much as possible, as he does, on the voice. The voice sings, screams, reacts, shows and hides, laughs—and even, as in the case of João Gilberto, writes. Upon arriving at my apartment for the conversation (we are neighbors), the writer saw, on the arm of a sofa, a book that led him away from the path to the chair I pointed out. He stopped, pointed to the book, and said: how did he say it? Did the writer say "this is the book of my life”? I'm almost sure it was something like that, half serious, half urgent. But I am still uncertain because there is no record: the recorder, turned off, did not yet turn the sprockets on the tape. So we sat down, had a coffee, talked. It was late afternoon in the center of Porto Alegre. It was Pessoa’s ‘O livro do desassossego’ [The Book of Disquiet] on the sofa in the living room. I started…
Os escritores, quando falam de si, estão falando de como nascem os livros, pois os livros não nascem das árvores nem das usinas, mas deles, dos escritores. Nessa entrevista com João Gilberto Noll, realizada em 5 de junho de 2008, procurei concentrar-me o mais possível, como ele faz, na voz. A voz canta, grita, reage, mostra e esconde, ri - e até, como no caso de João Gilberto, escreve. Ao chegar ao meu apartamento para a conversa (somos vizinhos), o escritor avistou, no braço de um sofá, um livro que o desviou do percurso até a poltrona que apontei. Parou, apontou o ,livro e disse: como foi que disse? Foi "esse é o livro da minha vida" que disse o escritor? Estou quase certo de que foi alguma coisa assim, meio grave, meio urgente. Mas sigo incerto porque não há registro: o gravador, apagado, ainda não girava as rodas dentadas da fita. Então sentamos, tomamos um café, conversamos. Era fim de tarde no centro de Porto Alegre. Era O Livro do Desassossego, do Pessoa, no sofá da sala. Comecei...


"Disquiet according to João" (2008). BRASIL/BRAZIL: A Journal of Brazilian Literature. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.



  • BRASIL/BRAZIL: A Journal of Brazilian Literature

    BRASIL/BRAZIL: A Journal of Brazilian Literature (ISSN: 2526-4885), founded in 1988, publishes scholarly articles on Brazilian literature and in Comparative Literature with a focus on Brazilian literature, as well as book reviews, interviews with writers, English-language translations of Brazilian literature …
